Following their sell-out, award-winning show Enter The Dragons, A&E Comedy (Abigail Dooley and Emma Edwards, “a brilliant comedy coupling” Total Theatre) return with a spell-binding, surreal and darkly hilarious tale, directed by Cal McCrystal.
“I think they are amazing!!” Phoebe Waller-Bridge
Witch Hunt weaves a cautionary fairytale for our time. It celebrates the wisdom of the witch, unpacks the notion of predator and conjures a world of coven-ready weird sisters.
“Watch out, there are wild women about. Knicker-Wettingly funny” Total Theatre
A ritualistic voodoo brouhaha designed to enchant and hex the pricks and predators; imagine Vic and Bob doing The Crucible.
Using buffoon, puppetry and magic and armed with a ‘wiccan’ sense of humour, A&E Comedy ask “can we use witchcraft to take down the Patriarchy?” Yes we can!
Suitable for ages 18+
Content warning: nudity, sexual references and strong language