Splash Test Dummies

05 Nov 2023

Dummies Corp

A Dummy trunckles along on a tiny bicycle
The Splash Test Dummies stand in a pyramid, one balancing on the other two's shoulders
The Dummies keep watch of a bouncy ball which is being bounced around the audience
One Dummy is in a handstand, balancing on the hands of a fellow Dummy
One of the Dummies balances in a cyr wheel
The Dummies stand in a line, rocking on their feet. The two on the outside place their hands on the head of the Dummy in the middle
One of the Dummies has grabbed the swimming cap of another and is stretching it out so far it looks like it's going to painfully snap back
The Dummies do acrobalance. One Dummy holds another on his shoulders, while a third has his legs wrapped around his middle
One Dummy is in a handstand, balancing on the hands of a fellow Dummy
Two Dummies do acrobalance, one leaning back, stretched out, supported by the other

Rub-a-dub-dub, The Dummies are here with some splish splashing circus set to drown you in tears of laughter.

The Splash Test Dummies are off on an exciting adventure of oceanic proportions! With a brilliant array of catch-your-breath stunt work, dazzling acrobatics, dexterous juggling and side-splitting, slapstick comedy, the Dummies are ready to roll out their beach towels and spring into an exciting hour of circus-filled hilarity for the whole family.

Dummies Corp features world-class circus artists who “surprise and delight” (Edinburgh Festival for Kids). They are the Australian leaders in narrative driven circus comedy, recognised globally for creations of quality that are intelligent, theatrical and inventive.

They have shared this epic adventure with audiences from the UK, Europe, New Zealand and Australia. This “hour of pure thrilling entertainment” (Sunday Mail Edinburgh) has wowed the critics and won coveted awards at the world’s largest arts festivals, Adelaide Fringe and Edinburgh Fringe. “Their circus, juggling and stunt work is sharp; their timing impeccable; and their core strength, frankly enviable!” (The Age).

“This show has everything and is just plain joyous” (The List UK). Grab your flippers and snorkel and join the Dummies diving from bathtubs to beaches on this wild aquatic ride!

Suitable for all ages

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