Nothing Happens (Twice)

11 Mar 2023

Little Soldier

The two performers are dressed as flamingos. They face each other on stage, their arms bent like wings
Two performers hold signs. One reads 'Just fun' and other is half hidden behind the performers head. Behind them is a screen reading 'interval'
Two women dressed in oversized jackets and trousers, with bowler hats on their heads, dance on stage - their front legs are raised and bent, their bodies twisted away from the audience
One performer crouches down, holding up two hands. Between them, six fingers are raised. There is a noose around her neck. The other end of the rope is help by the other performer. She stands still, her arms by her side. Her expression is blank.
The two performers have quizzical expressions. Both are wearing black sombreros with pink pom poms around the brim
A woman reclines in an office chair, her feet up on the desk. She's reading a book. It's Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot
The two performers are dressed as flamingos. They are in the act of jumping and dancing.

Slapstick humour meets Beckett head on in a quest for life’s meaning and purpose.

After an exciting few years making and touring shows all over the world, Mercè and Patricia have somehow lost momentum and hit rock bottom. They always knew that making theatre would be difficult, but when they have to dress up as flamingos in a shopping centre to make ends meet, they seriously consider giving up.

Can their shared dream of staging Waiting for Godot get them back on track or will their long held ambition be strangled by red tape? A hilarious and sometimes moving exploration of companionship, co-dependency and what motivates us to keep going, even in the face of failure and bureaucratic brick walls.

Suitable for ages 14+

Content warning: Contains strong language, occasional loud noises and some stylised/staged fighting

Some text in Spanish with projected surtitles

Photos: Pau Ros

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