The show, Leleka takes its name from the traditional Ukrainian bird symbolising freedom, love and a longing for the native homeland. In the words of Ukraine, “Щасливий той двір, де є гніздо лелеки, бо він – птаха священна” (“The happy household is that which is guarded by the nest of a white stork, as it is a holy bird”). Organised by two families, Leleka seeks to raise awareness and showcase the beauty of Ukrainian culture and heritage.
Leleka will present the wonderfully vibrant Ukrainian music and dance performed by Prolisok, the traditional folkloric instrumentation of the Bandura Belles, together with a Ukrainian harpist and a ballerina from Kyiv taking refuge in London. They will all be supported by a body of international performers, including the dancer Jose Agudo who will be performing a contemporary piece called Hero. There will be a flamenco performance by Escuela de Baile, choreographed by Nuria García and a traditional Argentine tango danced by Leandro Palou and Maria Tsiatsiani, among others. All these artists, musicians and dancers will be donating their performances in solidarity and support of Ukraine in the spirit of love and freedom.
All ticket proceeds will go to the Ukraine Emergency Appeal run by Lumos (registered charity number 1112575). Lumos is working to protect children and families affected by the Ukraine crisis, by distributing emergency food, hygiene, and medical kits, providing mental health ‘first aid’, and by helping to support families and foster carers to look after displaced and traumatised children.
If you would like to contribute further, Leleka has a JustGiving page through which you can donate.
Suitable for ages 12+