Jumble Theatre

10 Sep 2024 - 10 Dec 2024

Tuesday classes

Jumble Theatre is a self-led, inclusive and intergenerational community theatre group for adults aged 18+. Our drama sessions enable attendees to develop skills, explore creativity, and have fun.

Sessions are facilitated by group members and involve a range of drama games and exercises, improvisation, devising and script work. Each term we work on a project or theme chosen by our members. Some examples of our recent previous projects are: exploring a different play each week, devising scenes based around a chosen theme, exploring different theatrical and performance styles.

We welcome everyone to our sessions regardless of prior experience and sessions are free of charge.

We welcome new attendees to join at any time throughout the term, so please get in touch to complete our joining process.

For more information, or to join us for a taster session please contact Ruth on [email protected]

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Show Times