Live creative dance sessions every Thursday for adults of all abilities aged 60 plus.
Celebrating community and championing diversity, Creative Dance London facilitates transformation through creativity, with a vision for a world that celebrates individuals for who they are. Their sessions are a chance for people to experiment and explore their physical and creative abilities. There is no right or wrong when moving with Creative Dance London.
See you on the dance floor!
Sessions remain free for all, thanks to the support of Sport England
Any donations to support core costs would be are gratefully received. You can pay in cash on the day or donate via PayPal.
For more information and to book email [email protected]
Keeping safe
Creative Dance London will leave the wearing a face coverings inside the studio to personal preference, and they will be judging contact and travel movement based on a session-by-session basis.
Please note that when visiting Jacksons Lane you are expected to wear a face covering while moving around the building, unless you are medically exempt. You can read more about how we are keeping our visitors and staff safe here.