JL Circus is turning 10 years old! We couldn’t think of a better way to celebrate it than with our wonderful young JL Circus performers coming together for only one evening to present to you a Circus Party at Jacksons Lane. After two long years from our last live performance, our young people have agreed that we need a bit of party! And as circus is our lifestyle, come join us to celebrate this birthday and reunion at our Circus Party!
Circus Party has been created from the ideas of all our young participants. This term we’ve spent our circus sessions brainstorming, exploring, building new skills and rehearsing in preparation for this evening.
Get ready to jump in a car made of diabolos, catch some snacks made out of juggling balls, open surprise presents and witness the coolest party entertainers!
Each young person is entitled to three free tickets, any more will be charged at £2 each. To claim your free tickets, please use the promotion code JLCIRCUS22 at checkout.