Blizzard, 5:45pm
Set in the enchanting world of Narnia during the end of the first age, we delve into the mysterious origins of the formidable Ice Witch, ‘Jadis.’ An epic journey, unfolding intrigue and magic, unveils the chilling dawn of The Age of Winter.
Dreamers, 7:45pm
The Sandman, stranded in the mortal realm, seeks the aid of seven children. Together, they embark on a captivating journey to awaken humanity for a never-ending sleep. Navigating diverse realms, solving enigmatic riddles, their quest unfolds the mysteries of The Endless.
Booking information
This is a private performance for the families and friends of Black Box Drama School. A list of ticket holders will be issued to the company for safeguarding reasons. This list will contain only names, and no contact details will be shared without prior consent.
To ensure that all young people are able to have a family member or friend in the audience, we are asking that each family books a maximum of 4 tickets. If you need additional tickets for childcare reasons, or if you have multiple young people performing please get in touch.